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Mulled Anglesey Sloe Gin

If you love Gin, you’re gonna love mulled Sloe Gin. It’s full of flavour and it’s great in this weather to keep you warm. 

You will need apple juice, 1x orange, Cinnamon sticks and Anglesey Sloe Gin (if you don’t have this Sloe Gin, you can use other ones - but this is the tastiest delight around) 

Warm the apple juice. It’s up to you how much you put in. Depends how many you’re making. I made 2 in the picture above. 

Add chunky slices of oranges in the pan

And some cinnamon sticks. 

Just before you serve add sloe gin. Taste. Add more if you need it 

And enjoy! 

Make sure you make more than one because i can guarantee you will fancy an other one

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